It's become apparent to me, that my Country is on a course to a complete and unrepairable meltdown.
I'm not the most educated man in the world but, it seems time for a reset. As a Family man who has never made it over $50 grand a year in his life, I'm the first to except what ever hard (depression like)
medicine our country might have to take.
I have a few Ideas that would stop this runaway train dead in it's tracks. The only problem I see is that the people of my country are the ones with the real power but, we are lead to believe we don't have any power except that which is granted to us by a "Ruling Class" of "Elected" policy makers both local and Federal.
I have some steps that (I Think) would give the next Generation (Our Kids) a better shot at Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
1. Stop Paying our Politicians:
Other than a per-Diem for living and travel expenses, our "Representatives" should not be given a salary. Career Politicians tend to legislate in ways that wouldn't effect their lively-hood or Power, over what's actually good for our Nation.
Our founding Fathers were not paid and even risking their lives. See what they accomplished...
2. Government has to stop Paying for it:
Every time Government pours money into any kind of social engineering, they take over power and soon make laws that eventually chip away at every citizens personal freedoms. NO MORE F#$%'N BAIL OUTS!! Companies go under, People lose jobs. But Opportunity comes in the wake of such tragedy. Value-Jet to Jet Blue anyone? Government just needs to keep its thuggish hands out of the mix.
3. End Social Security and Income Tax:
We can pay off the last SS generation with all the money that was going to go to Social Engineering projects and Politicians salaries, then Finalay put an end to FDRs Folly. Income tax is just Theft by any definition of the word. The Governments Revenue isn't Mainly generated by this means of taxation anyway.
4. End Public education:
Government should give even the poorest citizens the ability to choose where to educate their children. Through Tax incentives, Privately owned education institutions will compete for the buck and as a result, the quality of education in this country will improve radically.
If these four things were to happen today. Our Country would witness a rebirth of freedom and civility that some may have thought impossible. We would start seeing the results in full by the time our children are adults.
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