Monday, April 20, 2009

Boo & Roo Adventures

CHAPTER 3 part 7
"OH THank you Mr. Bonji!" siad Boo, while landing in front of the cat. "My name is Boo Dewdrop and I live in the forest near Farmer Joe's barn." "Ez nice to meet you Meez Boo." said Bonji. "I ez Farmer Joe's cat and I am from France. It ez good to meet ze new friend in thees country."
It was time for Boo to go home. She gave her new friend a hug on the neck and a kiss on his cheek, and flew back towards the forest. Bonji waved and went back to pouncing on butterflies.
Years later, Boo pondered weather or not to teach Roo how to fly the way she did, but decided that it was far too dangerous.

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