Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Boo and Roo Adventures

CHAPTER 6 Part 3
She soon found them. Plato chasing his tail and Bonji bathing in the sun. "Hey guys," she greeted them, "I have a huge favor to ask." "Of course, Monsherie, anyzing for ze friend." "Well, I need you two to get a balloon from the fair for me. Today is the day that Roo will learn to fly!" she exclaimed in excitement. " I like balloons!" said Plato "They're chewy, like bubble gum! Once I was playing with one and it popped, so I ate it." "Eww! That is disgusting," said Bonji "Snails, I undarestand, feesh eggs even, but a balloon? You gross garbage desposal." "Let's go!" yelled Plato "We can go through the garbage and find all kinds of goodies!" "Oh for franch fries sake. Let's get zis ovare weeth." said Bonji as he lowered his head for Roo to climb aboard.

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