Monday, March 10, 2014

The Morality of Bud: chapters 1 through 3 { rough draft }


(By C. K. Webb)

When you wish upon a bag...


 This is about a 'Foggler' named Bud.

Bud is a fantastic person of unknown classification or breed. He has been mistaken for an Elf, a Dwarf, a Half Breed, and a few other less than complimentary creatures. Nobody, 'thus far' knows exactly what he is ... Not even Bud.

His trade is that of a Foggler. Foggling is a rare and unique business. A fortunate ( sometimes unfortunate ) client is selected by the Foggler, who then offers the fulfillment of wishes for a price or favor. They do not possess any power to grant wishes on their own. That comes from a mystical bag they carry. It's the Foggler's 'Tool of Trade'.

The Mystical bag itself, is usually unassuming in appearance, and comes in various shapes and sizes. Most often, Fogglers don't want attention drawn to their bags. They keep them as plain and ordinary looking as possible.

The price or favor for the service is determined by the Foggler, and agreed upon by the client. This is known as 'The Deal' or 'The Contract'.

Foggling Deals may vary from a casual exchange of favors, to more complex contracts. Although the Foggler determines the price, the bag will not work unless the there is some level of equality in the price of the Deal. No-one can wish to be King in exchange for a piece of bread... For example.

Some Deals can be dark for clients who desire selfish love (lust), power, revenge, unearned fame, or anything from their unjust hearts. The price for those wishes have a tendency to get extremely high, and usually cause more tragedy than they're worth.

Most Fogglers do not like to engage in Dark Deals, and avoid such contracts. Sadly however, the Mystical bag is a source of great power, and can get the better of even the most stout heart. Even the most moral of Fogglers can be bought... Or manipulated.

A Foggler is neither a Wizard, a Sorcerer, nor a Priest, (Although they may have created a few). They are usually ordinary people who have obtained an extraordinary tool, in various ways. The challenge for Fogglers, is figuring out how to use the tool they own, without inevitably being owned by their tool. More often than not, the latter ends up being the case.

Bud the Foggler's saving grace, is in how ordinary he is...or wants to be. Anything extraordinary about him or his circumstances, was not of his choosing. He has never desired sainthood, nor has he suffered great worldly ambitions. All he has ever wanted was to live simple and free, but these things have had a bad habit of eluding him.


It was near dusk on a cold winter's afternoon. A fatigued and half crazed Bud on his way to Kalgypt city. He decided to take a shortcut off the highway, and walk the path towards the abandoned Kalgypt mines. The inhabitants of the county believe the old mines to be cursed, and haunted by unfortunate souls.

Bud was to tired and wounded from recent events, to worry about local superstitions. Ghost, were the least of his concerns.

The wind increased and the chill became unbearably biting. Bud's toes were frozen from the snow, and he decided to set up camp for the night. As he passed through the cave-like entrance to one of the mines, he instantly felt the reprieve from the tormenting wind.

Bud scanned around for material to build a fire. Although the mines were abandoned long ago, there still remained an abundant store of dried wood. It had been stocked and left behind by the doomed miners, and subsequent travelers. He found the store, and gathered the wood into a pile near the entrance. The mine was dark, and Moon beams were his only source of light. He surrounded the pile with six tall stones, and placed a thin metal sheet over the pile. The metal sheet was a ripped piece of an old miners cart, that he found a ways down the shaft. He managed to drag it with little difficulty, even though it was dark.

Bud pulled a flint rock and striker from his pocket, and proceeded to start a fire. After some time, flames began to rise from the wood pile, and the edge of the metal sheet began to glow a yellowish red. He sat down in front of the burning structure, and rested his aching back against the cave wall.

A dusty gray old bag that Bud had slung around his shoulder was now resting on his lap. He opened the flap and pushed around the inside lining of the empty bag, until it stayed standing open. From a deep pocket on the inside of his cloke, Bud pulled out a small emerald. It was fastened to a gold backing with a ring, suggesting that it once had a chain attached. He then lifted it in front of his face and spoke out loud..." I offer this valuable jewel in exchange for some beef and bread." his voice echoed down the mine shaft.

Bud placed the green jewel in the bag, and felt it dissolve and disappear in his fingers. Suddenly, a round piece of meat and a loaf of bread materialized in the emerald's place. He placed the beef on the hot metal sheet, and began to gnaw on the bread.

After the meal; Bud rested his head back on the cave wall, and stared at the diminishing flames. The pain in his back and legs seemed to subside a little. He stayed lost in his thoughts, replaying everything that had happened in the last several days, then fell asleep.

For the value of the emerald, Bud could have just as well, had his Mystical bag give him more comforts. It could have healed his painful wounds, or even transported him to Kalgypt city instantly. However, he knew, all to well, how the power of the Mystical bag can tempt and consume a person into oblivion. He only ever used the bag for minimal purpose, with few exceptions, and rarely for himself. This happened to be on of those rare moments.

Because of the Mystical bags nature, there is a common thread, in the various manners a Foggler obtains or inherits their tool. It seems to always change owners after some kind of disaster. There have been very few occasions where the previous owner gave up their bag willingly, and in a peaceful way. Bud's story was just as common, in an extraordinary way...

 Many years earlier:

On the eastern edge of the Great Continent, an Elf's homestead was teaming with new life at the early dawn of spring.

 The Elf homestead is different from other people's farms. The land is not sectioned off by fence. Nor is the ground terraformed or cultivated, to suit production needs. From an outsiders point of view, most Elf lands appear to be an unkept wilderness. On the contrary, Elf lands are amazingly ordered, and more systematically maintained than most others. The strictly guarded secret of the Elf's, is their almost supernatural understanding of natures order, and of growing things. They have the ability to command and manage their crops with very minimal manipulation.

It was a cool clear morning. A single Elf lady was preparing to leave her hidden home, deep in the trees. It was time to inspect the budding crops of Paragold fruit.

Melony walked out of her house into a clear circular area, surrounded by thick tall trees. The Sun could only shine on the house at noon. Other than that, it was always in shade. Cut into the circle of trees, were multiple narrow paths, leading in every direction. The Elf walked around her house and entered one of the southern paths.

One hundred years before this morning, Melony had lost her most loved to the outside world. Her husband 'Maxious' served in the War over the Clouds. The War lasted for decades, and involved all who lived on the Great Continent. He died in the very last battle, called 'The Fight for Heaven'. She never remarried.

Over the years, the number of prospective suiters coming to call steadily shrunk...then not at all. This did not bother Melony in the least. She had only one love after Maxious died. That was her vast and reclusive property, with all that was in it. To add anyone or anything more to her quite life, would just be an inconvenient distraction at best...or so she believed.

The Paragold crop was sprouting deep in the Forrest. Melony enjoyed spending most of her time in the seclusion of the trees.

Unique to the Paragold tree, is how it produces its fruit. When Paragold fruit is in its budding stage, it appears as large bulbous sacks wrapped in big wide leaves. The Buds protrude from the trunk of the tree, through the bark.

Melony arrived from the southern path, and began to examine one of the trees that was dotted with dark green sacks. She immediately noticed movement coming from one of the lower buds on the tree. It was directly above one of the tree's half surfaced roots. " It seems we have an intruder in our midst.." said Melony, as though she was talking to the trees like a group of friends.

Assuming it may be wild rodent of some type, she retrieved a dagger from her cloke for safety. She then crouched down to evict the intruder.

As the Elf reached to peal back the outer leaf of the sack, a hand suddenly popped out and grasped her finger.

Melony was startled and jerked back her hand. She raised the dagger with her other hand to strike her attacker. She stopped her blow instantly. The Elf quickly realized something interesting about the little hand she just saw. It wasn't an animals hand that grabbed her.

After a moment, the sack began to move again. Melony, once again, proceeded to unwrap its leaves. When the Bud was fully exposed, Melony was astonished to discover tiny infant, shivering and cooing in the sack.

Although she never had children of her own, Melony's maternal instinct was inflamed. Without hesitation, she bundled the baby in her cloke while making consoling 'shushing' sounds. She could see that the beautiful little infant was not an Elf. It had a darker complexion than any of her kind, and floppy, almost puppy-like ears. She held the baby in a nursing position securely to her chest. " You are a curious little Bud, aren't you?" she ask the infant..." That's what I will call you. My curious little BUD."

Melony got back on the southern path, lightly kissed and squeezed the bundle, then took her new love home...

 Years later... Melony was in her kitchen preparing a multitude of special dishes and treats.  Bud was deep in the woods and would not be back for thirty minutes or so.

She sent him on a trivial errand so she could get everything ready.  It has been twenty years to the day when Melony found Bud in the forest.

She was filled with excitement about surprising her son with the array of gifts that she managed to hide from him for a whole month.  Bud was now twice her size, and space was quite limited.  Keeping anything hidden in their home required a great effort.  Melony's excitement diminished when she reflected on one surprise that she had been arranging for Bud... all the last year.  She picked up a ripe para gold fruit that was still wrapped in it's leaves from the counter.  The lady elf pressed the fruit to her chest and lost all strength in her body.  She flopped down on a kitchen chair and began to quietly weep.

This is the second time in her long life that she was going to loose someone she loved.  Elves are nearly immortal and closely connected to each other.  Although it does happen, death and loss of loved ones is very rare.  For an elf, the experience is extremely painful.  Bud was not and elf, however, and Melony knew this day had to arrive eventually.  She may have already put it off too long. The old Elf couldn't know exactly how long his breed took to mature.

The frond door opened.  "I'm back Ma!" Bud exclaimed almost out of breath.  He was well aware that he was on a fool's errand and hurried back as quick as possible with great anticipation.  The house was silent.  "Ma!  I'm back." Bud announced again.  "In the kitchen my little Bud." replied Melony, trying to conceal a somber tone.  Bud entered the kitchen and was truly surprised.  His mom has alway has a gift and special food for him on his birthday, but never to this extent before.  The kitchen table was loaded with an abundance of food and treats.  The back room was decorated as though it was a major holiday.  "Ma?" Bud expressed in almost disbelief.  "I decided to have family over this year." said Melony.  "You are at your twentieth year today and it is very clear that you are close to full maturity.  It's customary to have a gathering for an elf when he or she reaches adulthood."  she explained in order to defuse any further quires from her son.  Although the custom Melony talked about was true, she was throwing the party for a more solom reason.  This all seemed reasonable to Bud, but his mother has always been reclusive.  Even though she maintained a proper relationship with her relatives; for Melony to have a gathering for any reason, felt somewhat unnatural to him.  Bud didn't want to offend his mom, so he didn't question her about it.

Later that night, the last of the company had departed.  The party had been so enjoyable that Bud felt a little regret that his mom didn't do this more in the past.  He began to start cleaning the back room.  "Little Bud, may I see you in the kitchen?" asked Melony.  When he entered the kitchen, Bud saw four wrapped gifts on the table.  Melony was looking up at him beaming with delight.  "Happy birthday my dear boy." she said as a single tear rolled down her cheek.  "But I guess you are no longer a boy, are you?"

Bud hunched down and embraced his petite mother until she couldn't breathe.  Melony gasped for breath and patted her son on the back in distress.  Bud released her and quickly unwrapped his gifts in excitement.

Three of the gifts were just wonderful to Bud.  They were a new pair of boots, a handsome dark cloak, and a beautifully carved waling stick.

The fourth gift, however, reserviced earlier misgivings he had felt.  It was a traveling pack, completely filled with supplies.  Bud stared at his gift for a moment, processing what it meant.  "Am I going somewhere Ma?" he asked in a low and soft tone.

The look of delight dissolved from Melony's face.  "It is time for you..." her grief prevented her from finishing, "leave." Bud finished for her.  He didn't know how to feel about what was just said.  The shock quickly turned to pity for his sobbing mother, and he embraced her, then helped her sit down.

After a few moments, Melony regained her wits and began to speak again.  "this would have been easier if you were unhappy or at least a bit curious for the outside world." she said while gazing towards the window.  "Before I found you; I was quite convinced that I no longer had any room in my heart to love another person.  When my beloved Maxious was taken from me..." Melony paused with sadness "...In an effort to save our word. I realized that the world did not deserve our sacrifice."  She turned her eyes down towards her lap.  "After my love died I was given an opportunity to honor his memory by participating in the rebuilding of the Great Continent. No small task after seventy-eight years of a devastating war.  Like so many times before, the people who took power were more concerned about establishing their own wealth and prestige, rather that creating order and Prosperity for the battle weary people.  They began to war among each other and the people continued to suffer.  I became disenchanted by all of it.  When I finally decided to return home; I found a serenity and joy that consoled me.  I never thought of or cared for the outside world since."

Melony then looked lovingly at her son.  "Then I met you.  My little Bud, you filled a hole that was in my heart for a century.  You were just so happy and content, that it delighted me so much.  It was easy for me to ignore obvious truths."  Her face turned stoic...  "Bud, you are not an elf.  Whatever people you come from are rare to say the least.  Whomever placed you in that tree... did not intend for you to spend the rest of your life in the forest with an old elf."

"But I am happy here Ma!" Bud exclaimed,  "Sure, I have been curios about my differences, but I never wanted for anything.  You have always provided my needs."  Bud said almost pleading.

"I have been denying you your destiny. I will no longer forgive myself if I continue to do so."  Melony stated sternly.  "Don't be of heavy heart my child.  You are not going out as a vagabond tomorrow.  I have arranged for you to be educated at the monastery in Paralem.  The order of brothers there are good people. They were established during the war over the clouds to care for the wounded and shelter refugees.  They continue to do so in light of todays troubles."  Melony stood up and gave Bud a kiss on his cheek.  "I'm going to bed.  I will see you off in the morning."  She left the kitchen quickly.

Bud sat there for awhile.  Life as he knew it had just ended in a matter of minutes.  Although he was understandably shocked and saddened, some part of him was filled with excitement.  He was, in fact, curious about the outside world and the nature of his breed.  It was just that his life was so pleasant, the curiosity never turned to a compelling desire to know.

It was dawn the next day when Bud stepped out of the door of his home for the last time.  Melony followed him to the entrance of one of the paths, then turned him around.  She removed small emerald attached to a chain from her pocket and placed it around Buds neck.  "This was the last gift Maxious gave me before he died.  It brought me incredible fortune and it will do the same for you."  She then pointed to the path.  "This will take you to the beginning of the Great Continental Highway.  It's a day's journey away.  You will find the Luminous Inn there.  Once on the highway; head west all the way to Paralem.  It is a two week journey, and there are few inns and taverns along the way.  Make sure you stock up on supplies as often as you can"  She gave Bud a long embrace then said

goodbye to her son.

 Oh... The Humanity


It was almost noon on the third day of his journey.  The initial excitement of the adventure was gone at that point.  Bud hadn't seen another living soul on road for at least 36 hours.  His first experience meeting new people was on the first night, and it was was disappointing.  Bud had checked in at the Luminous Inn. The anticipation over-powered any exhaustion from the day's walk.

After dropping off his things in the room, he went downstairs to the tavern.  The only people there were a single gnome, passed out on a table from inebriation, and a grumpy old human tending bar.  The old man was in no mood for conversation.

It rained all of the second day and Bud spent hours looking for a dry spot.  He never found one.  That night he spent balled up in his cloak by the roots of a tall tree.  "My new life is turning out to be wonderful!"  he sarcastically thought to himself.  For the first time, Bud began to really wonder who or what he was.  Would he find others who looked like him?  Until three days ago: Bud believed he was going to have the rest of his days working on Melony's homestead.  He had no other aspirations.  Now the future was a complete blank for him.  He suffered the fear of the unknown, but delighted in excitement and anticipation as well.  The rain stopped and a fog enveloped the highway and the woods.  Buds eyes closed and he fell asleep.

On the third day the weather was clear and began to get warmer by noon. Bud was cold and uncomfortable.  His cloak and boots were still damp and covered in mud from the previous night.  He continued west on the highway, mentally occupying his time with random thoughts.  Bud was almost sleepwalking in a dreamlike state.  Suddenly, something startled him. The distant sound of angry frenzied screams came from farther down the road.  They sent chills down Bud's spine.  After the initial shock of terror, he felt compelled to investigate.

Bud started up the road, cautiously following the blood-curdling sounds as they increased in volume.  The highway was flanked by tall trees and bushes.  He had to use his hearing to locate the source of the noise.

The hellish screams were closer, and accompanied by the clash of metal.  There was also rumbling that vibrated the ground under his feet.  Bud no longer felt safe.  He dove into a nearby bush.  His pack and walking stick got snagged and tangled by thorns and twigs.  Bud panicked and left his things hanging in the branches.  He managed to work his way under the thick bush with great difficultly.  His first instinct was to lie there and wait until it became silent again.  Then he feared that he might be in harms way.  The only option was to get a visual of the chaos, and determine how safe he was.  Bud crawled towards to the other side of the bush.  The roots and thorns pierced his skin and tore his cloak, but he kept moving in spite of the agony.  He could now see light and moving shadows through the leaves.  The sounds were no longer distinguishable from one another.  It all blended into a deafening roar.  Bud's entire body froze in terror... "BOOM!"

An unseen force lifted Bud off the ground.  He felt heat all around him, then his back slammed back on the ground.  The impact knocked the air out of his lungs.  A moment later, he felt his chest expand and breath returned to his body.

It was strangely quiet and Bud could only hear his own breathing.  He opened his eyes and sat up quickly.  His sight was blurry for a few seconds.   As his eyes began to focus. He could see scorched, smoldering ground where the bush he was under once was.

Bud turned his head to the left and saw a beautifully ordained white tent.  There was a blue flag decorated with two embroidered yellow dragons, swaying in the breeze on top.

Suddenly, an object fell into Bud's legs and stung his right thigh.  He looked down to see a shining helmet with two dragons engraved on either side.  As he lifted the helmet to examine it, a body less head slipped out and landed back on his lap.  Bud's eyes widened and he began breathing rapidly.  His face looked identical to the permanent look of horror on the headless soldier's face.

He stood up and watched the head roll on the ground.  It started to shake and rock back and forth.  Bud's hearing began to return and he heard the rumbling one again.  The ground was vibrating under his feet.  He turned his head back to the left and saw the beautiful tent trampled by a calvary of men on horses at full gallop.

Without a second thought, Bud ran full speed back towards the highway.  His path was clear now due to the explosion, and he ignored the hot ash burning his feet as he fled.

Back on the road, the sounds of intense battle were coming from every direction.  Bud looked all around and found a tall tree with thick foliage.  He darted to it and shimmied up as fast as he could.

He rested on a wide lower branch and clinged to the trunk.  Just then, the tree started to sway.  The upper branches snapped and flew off to expose a large dragon hurtling towards the ground.  There was a long black metal spear piercing it's neck. The beast hacked, coffed, and gasped before it's skull crashed into the dirt.

Bud could now see a large field filled with countless people engaged in battle.  Towards the horizon, he saw another dragon limping amid an ocean of furious maniacs battling.  It's wings were torn and full of holes, and one if it's hind legs was missing.  The dragon spun and tripped while shooting fire bombs from it's nostrils in every direction.

A few soldiers managed to climb on top of the beast and began to chop at it with their weapons.  Soon; more men swarmed on it's back, like a colony of ants on a piece of rotten fruit.  They weighed the monster down and stabbed it until it no longer moved.

Tears welled up in Bud's eyes.  His terror was transformed to sadness.  These men were not just engaged in a fight. They were ripping each other apart like wild ravenous animals.  The level of depravity and carnage was too great to describe,  Bud's heart was broken by what he saw, and it would haunt him for the rest of his days.  "This way father!"  The voice came from directly under the branch Bud was sitting on.  He let go of the trunk and positioned himself onto the branch to see the person who was talking.  Bud saw a young man clothed in shining armor, covered in a blue tunic, and with the same embroidered yellow dragons as the flag on the tent.

The young man was gesturing to an older 'stumbling' man on the highway.  He was in similar dress but was also wearing a long blue cape.  On his head was a golden crown. There was a very ordinary looking, dusty gray old bag, hanging over his shoulder.  The bag, (Bud thought) looked oddly out of place for the older man's rich attire.  "The battle is lost father." said the young man...  "We must flee eastward."

The older man was walking in circles and muttering to himself.  He paid no attention to the younger man's pleas.  "This is impossible.  It shouldn't be like this.  Someone's at fault."...The older man kept repeating.  "Father!  Come with me, this way."  The younger man said. He then moved to grab the older man's arm.  "It is your fault!"  shouted the older man.  His eyes shown with insane rage.  The younger man's eyes widened as a sword was plunged into his chest by the older man.  " I offer your life, for the power to annihilate my enemies, once and for all!"  The older man's voice echoed with such force, that Bud's already tense body shuttered.  The king pulled the sword from his son's chest.  The younger man collapsed on the paved road.  The older man then proceeded to wipe the bloody sword on the inside of the old gray bag.  Then, the king raised the sword over his head and began to swing it in a circular motion.  He was standing up straight and seemed to be a foot taller.

To Bud's amazement and horror, the spinning sword produced a ring of fire that expanded and increased in size.  The heat from the ring singed Bud's hair and clothing as it passed by the tree.  In seconds, the fire was larger than the tree line, and its roar drowned out the sounds of battle.  In moments; the entire field and everything in it was consumed by the inescapable circular blaze.  Once the fire disintegrated... all that was left was black smoking ground as far as Bud could see.  His eyes stung and watered from the smoke, and his lings burned from the heated air.  Bud looked down to see the king standing in a round unscorched part of the highway. His back was towards the limp body of his son.  His face looked lit up with wild delight.  His lips pressed tightly, and the sound of a low chuckle emitted from his nostrils

"Pa-baa?"  The older man's face and posture changed instantaneously at the sound of his sons struggling voice.  The king spun around to see his son reaching in the air for his dad to comfort him  "Pabaa, Pabaa..." repeated the young wounded man.  The older man dropped his sword, and removed his crown and old bag.  He then ripped off his cape and knelt down next to his dying child.  He wrapped his son in the cape and squeezed him in his arms.  "I'm here bee bee..." said the king in a broken wistful voice.  The younger man reached and grabbed hold of the older mans beard.  He tugged on it a few times, smiled, ... then was gone.

Bud's heart compelled a wail at the pathetic scene he just witnessed.  His trembling mouth opened... "Aaaahwoooonooo!!"  The loud sorrowful cry came from the old diminished king before Bud could make a sound.

 The older man quickly got up and looked as though he wanted to run away from the scene of the crime.  However; it appeared as though some unseen force stopped him and turned him around, to face the evil what he had done.  He shuffled back towards the body, picking up the sword and his old gray bag along the way.  Now standing over the corpse of his son, the miserable king held the bag up in front of his face.  "Annihilate all my enemies." said the king coldly.  He threw the old gray bag on the ground and plunged the sword into his chest.  The king fell over his son and expelled his last breath.

Bud remained on the tree branch for what felt like hours.  He just stared out towards the horizon.  He now had an understanding of why Melony rejected the outside world.  How could there be any good in this land after what he just experienced.  It started out as Hell on earth, then became Hell itself.  "Maybe I should cut my loses and go back home."  Bud spoke out loud to himself.  He grabbed the emerald around his neck and imagined what going home would be like.  For the first time, Bud felt a sense of shame,  He knew Melony would love him and except him back, but a new feeling of pride gave him the desire not to give up.  "I won't fail you Ma.  I will not be a failure."  Bud once again stated out loud, with conviction.

He made his way down to the bottom of the tree and surveyed his surroundings.  The one time gorgeous landscape now a black lifeless spot on the map.  There were no sounds except a light breeze moving ash around.

"What do I do now?"  Bud thought.  His cloak and clothing was torn and full of holes.  All his supplies and worldly possessions were now cinder.  He turned his gaze upon the two lifeless bodies.  He first wanted to just leave the area and get as far away, as fast as he could.  He then realized that without supplies, he may end up dead in a matter of days.

The thought of looting the bodies for their riches crossed his mind.  "That crown and sword could be worth a fortune."  He thought, "Then again, these items are probably cursed and I don't want anymore problems."  Bud was at a loss on what to do.  He scanned the area and his eyes fell on the old dirty gray bag.  "Maybe the old man kept essentials in there." he thought. Bud quickly lifted it from the ash.  Strangely; he slung the bag over his shoulder before he opened it to investigate it's contents.  When he did, he was disappointed to discover that the bag was completely empty.  Furthermore, Bud remembered that it's previous owner had wiped it with a bloody sword. The bag was as clean as if it had just been pulled off a laundry line.  Frustrated at the situation, Bud decided to cut his losses and just leave the area.

Something made him stay however.  He looked at the two lifeless bodies and the pathetic state they were resting.  It was undignified for anyone.  "What if loved ones were to find them like this?" Bud thought.  Against his burning urge to leave, he stuck around to find a way to bury the unfortunate men. He had no spade or means to dig, so he continued to search around and try to think of a way to achieve a proper burial.  Then, he found it.  A few yards east on the highway, Bud discovered an up rooted bush with at leat a four foot dich underneath.  "That's it!"  He said to himself.

 The armor on the bodies made moving them extremely difficult.  Bud felt that removing the armor would be just as disgraceful as looting the corpses.  He had to make a crude stretcher from whatever sticks and thorny vines that survived the fire.  After much time and agonizing effort, he managed to rest father and son next to each other in the ditch.  He even took the time to positioned the mens arms across thir chests.  With just his hands, Bud filled the ditch with loose dirt and ash.  The final product looked like a half burned bush growing sideways out of a mound.

No one will notice, he thought.  The sun was sinking faster towards the horizon.  Bud excepted that he wasn't going anywhere now.  He was more exhausted than he had ever been.  He sat down and rested his back on the tree he had hid in, and a few moments later, passed out.

It seemed so real... Bud was standing in a grass covered field.  The grass had an orange and tan color as though it was autumn.  The sky was cloudless and blue.  Twenty feet in front of Bud was a small single Paragold tree dotted with green sacks.  Suddenly the sky turned dark red and two sets of glowing eyes appeared on either side of the tree.  Bud saw shadowy demonic like forms materialize behind the glowing eyes.  He felt like they wanted to eat the tree and were about to fight each other over it.  Just as they started to attack, a brilliant light appeared and stopped both in their tracks.  Another monster was in the mix.  It was was twice the size of the others and all white with blue glowing eyes.  It grabbed the two other creatures and devoured then both.  Then it looked down at the Paragold tree.  The white monster began to laugh as it ripped the tree out of the ground...  Bud opened his eyes with a start.  The dream felt like seconds, but the sun was already high in the sky.  It took him a moment to remember where he was and the situation he was in.  Now hungry and extremely thirsty, Bud pressed on west down the Great Continental Highway.  The old dirty gray bag was still hanging over his shoulder...


It was late afternoon. Bud had been walking west on the highway for hours. In his mind; he still was not far enough away from the 'Hell' he had just experienced.

Being raised in an Elf wood certainly had it's advantages. Although Bud had no supplies left, he was able to find and sustain himself by wild plants and fruits, growing along the road. It kept him alive, but did little to quench his thirst, or ease his hunger.

Bud's stride was now, more like a clumsy stumble. He felt it was time to take a break. The weary traveler saw a smooth stump on the side of the road and sat down on it. He began to asses his situation in his thoughts... " I can't continue much farther. All my money is even if I make it to the next town, I won't be able get supplies. Paralem is still over a week away..." Bud turn his gaze skyward... "OK! What would you have me do?" he said out loud with frustration in his voice...

Bud did believed in God. He was not, what some would judge as, religious.

(Elf's did not compartmentalize understandings of the natural and supernatural. It was all of one reality to them. God (the Creator) was just as real and present to them as the dirt under their feet. There was still mystery in creation that required faith from the Elfs, however; abstract contradiction danced flawlessly with practical reason in their culture.

For Elf's: Life was the brush in which creation painted it's masterpiece. All living things had importance, and must be respected as such.)

 This is why Bud was particularly tormented upon reflection of the previous day's events.

He was tired and desperate. Bud was fortunate not to be gravely injured from the battle, but his many small wounds were becoming increasingly painful. Maybe it would have been better to of gotten killed in yesterday's Malay, then do die slowly of starvation and exposure... He thought.

The weary traveler stuck his scabby burned hands into the empty bag. He rested his elbows on his knees, and placed his head into his 'bag covered' hands. Bud took in a huge breath and let out a long slow sigh... " I would offer my immortal 'SOUL'! for Paralem to just be around the corner..." He spoke out loud to himself... again.

Suddenly; the stump disappeared from under Bud. He fell hard on unexpectedly soft ground. The bag was now drapped over his head, and he heard an odd 'Swooshing' sound in front of him. Panicked; he quickly stood up and removed the bag from his face.

Out of the corner of his eye; the bewildered traveler could see the glimmer of a swinging blade, that was about to strike his head. "WHAA!!" screamed Bud, as he ducked 'just in time' from the path of the Blade... 


Two New...Old Friends...


It was evening before dusk. The vast 'winter' wheatfield was ready for spring harvest. The land's owner has been working almost non-stop to get the wheat harvested. There was little time to get his fields plowed and seeded for the next crop to be ready by fall.

Shane's arm felt like lead. He had been swinging his sickle since before dawn, and he took very little breaks.


"What in the?!..." Shouted a voice from behind Bud, who was now, face down in the dirt. He lifted his head to see tall wheat all around him. "Are you alright?" the voice continued... " I could have cut you in half... You idiot! You always make your presence known, before you walk through a persons crop..."

Bud manically spun around to locate the road that he was just on. It was nowhere to be seen. He looked up to see a figure standing over him. The person had a large sickle in his right hand, but the evening sun blocked out the rest of the man's features. The figure dropped his blade and extended his arm the help Bud up.

Once on his feet, Bud got a better look at his helper. He had only one arm, and his back was slightly hunched. Under the man's wide brimmed hat, Bud could see an angular face with harsh pointy features. His brow was stern, but his eyes projected gentleness.

" I'm Lost..." said Bud. His tone rang with pathetic confusion.

" You are a lot more than lost! " said the man... " It appears as though you had a run in with robbers on the highway. You'd be lucky to still be breathing...if that's the case."

Bud grinned at the man. Then, faint overtook him, and he started to fall backwards.

" No you don't! " said the Man as he Broke Bud's fall with his one arm. With a little (comedic) struggle, the man managed to swing Bud's arm over his back. " Come with me. My shack is nearby. I'll take you in and nurse you back to health...before I kill you for trespassing." the man chuckled.


Shane helped Bud to a small one room building by the edge of the wheat field. Inside was surprisingly pleasant in contrast to it's outside appearance. There was a thick wooden table (with four short stools) next to a wide stone fireplace. In the far right corner; was counter attached to a sink, with a water-pump that arching over it. On the back wall was a large cabinet, and shelves with dishes and pots on them. The left wall had a single cot against it, and a window just above the cot.

Shane sat Bud down on the cot, then got him a large cup of water. " I'll put on a pot for soup, then we'll take a look at those wounds. " He said. Shane grabbed a pot from the back shelf and walked over to the sink. " I don't get a lot of humans out this way. Please don't be to offended if my brew is not to your liking..." he laughed.

Bud gulped down the water. The hot veins in his body cooled from instant hydration. He realized that his long hair and hood concealed his unique ears. He could be mistaken for human. " I'm not actually human." he said..." I'm from the far eastern lands. My mother is an Elf, and I was raised as one of them...but, as you can see, I'm not an Elf either. " He removed his hood fully to reveal his features.

Shane looked at Bud with an odd expression for a moment, then continued to hang the pot in the fireplace. Bud sat there quietly, and watched the man ignite a fire under the pot. He then asked..." So, I assume you're not human then? "

Shane laughed as though he just heard a good joke. He replied... " No my dear young man. My Name is Shane, and I am most certainly not a human." He grabbed some vegetables and seasonings from the cabinet, and began to shred and chop the items on the counter. He then continued..." My kind refer to ourselves as 'Adlem'. We are called various different things by other people. The name I care for the least, is Goblin. It has such an unfair stigma attached to it. I am just a person like anyone else. No less."

"I'm called Bud..." he offered, and then decided to give Shane an abridged version of his story. He was still perplexed on how he got there, or where he was.

Bud left out the battle, and just explained that he got caught up in a fight between humans. He stated that because of his injuries, he really can't remember how he ended up in Shane's field. It was not everything, but it wasn't exactly a lie.

"I have been on the road for some time, but I haven't run into any people who look like me..." Bud said, with a hope that maybe Shane would know something of his own kind.

The Farmer grabbed some medical supplies from the cabinet. He then pulled up a stool from the table and sat down in front of Bud. After a few seconds of examining his guest's wounds, Shane spoke... " I'm sorry Bud. I have traveled all over the Great Continent, and never seen one like you." He noticed the disappointment exuding from his patient's face. " That does not mean none are around. The continent is a big place, and I have only seen a small percent of it's creatures..." Shane stated to console Bud.   

After a few minutes of silence, Bud realized something. " This seems to be a pretty big crop you have. Was anyone helping you?" he asked.

"It's just my wife and I now..." Shane replied. " The land was a pension for my service. It was given to me years ago, by the Third Feudal Lord of Paralem County..."

Bud tilted his head slightly... "Paralem County?" he asked.

" You really are lost..." replied Shane... "Paralem city is only a few days away, by foot." he added.

A surge of pain shot through Buds skull. It came from the medicine that Shane was administering, but the shock of what he heard, probably didn't help matters. Bud planted his head face down on the cot. " What is happening!" he thought to himself. He just lied there with his eyes closed until the pain relented.

Shane stood up and finished preparing the soup, as though he expected Bud's reaction. 

Later: It was now dark, and the men were getting done with their meal. Bud found the soup enjoyable in spite of Shane's warnings.

The Host got up from the table and cleared the bowls. " I have a potion that will surely speed up your recovery." said Shane with a chuckle. He went to the shelves and selected two curved glasses, then opened the cabinet. Hidden under a few tools was a cauldron. Shane pulled out a large bottle of wine from inside it. He filled both glasses, handed one to Bud, and sat back down.

" Thank you for taking me into your pleasant home..." said Bud.

Shane laughed, then replied..." Sorry. I wasn't laughing at your gratitude." He paused to take sip of his wine, and then went on... " You see; this is just a farm hand's shelter. My home is over the hill, on the other side of the field. My wife is there. Her mind is unhealthy at the moment, otherwise, I would have taken you there." Shane's smiling face transformed to a stowick scowl...

" We lost our sons last season, and she hasn't recovered from her mourning."

"Sorry..." said Bud with an empathetic tone.

Shane grimaced at Bud, and gestured to let him know he was OK.

He continued... " My boys too; fell victim to battling men. Humans have a bad habit of forgetting their humanity; when they are consumed by rage and malice..."  Bud understood exactly what Shane meant.  

" So you have no one to help you with your crops? " Bud asked.

Shane put down his glass, rested his hands on the table, and leaned back. After a long sigh, he replied... " I'm afraid this will be our last season here. I won't be able to make the Lord's quota. The land will have to be handed over for Tax..."

Shane noticed his guest's sympathetic expression, and decided to lighten the subject. " Unless you are actually a Foggler..." Shane smiled. " Then you can grant me restoration of my health, and the ability to achieve the impossible."

"Foggler...?" asked Bud. He never heard that word before.

Shane refilled their glasses and exclaimed... " This really is your first time out in the world!" he laughed... " When I fist saw you in the field, I had three thoughts. First, was that you were just a lost vagabond. Then, a victim of a robbery and left for dead. My third thought was, that maybe you might be a legendary Foggler. That idea came to me, because of your empty bag. When people are robbed; the thief's usually don't give back the victim's luggage."

Shane paused to study Bud's face for 'tells'. None of Bud's reactions, re-enforced Shane's third theory. He went on to explain... "A Foggler is a person who can grant wishes, for a price or favor. They usually carry a magical bag with them, that does the granting." He stopped and tapped his fingers on his chin... " Well, if you did have such an object on you... It's pretty unlikely, that I would have found you in the state you were in." He chuckled.

Bud took a sip of wine, grabbed hold of his bag, then gave Shane a sly smirk... " I'll tell you what, my friend... If I was one of those Fogglers; I would be more than happy to grant you your wishes, in exchange for all the hospitality you have given me." he said, while shaking the empty bag.

Shane extended his hand. Bud grabbed hold and they shook. "It's a Deal!" said Shane, laughing.

Bud hung the bag on the edge of the cot. There was a silent pause between both men, as though waiting for a magical moment. They both broke out in laughter, when nothing happened.

After he composed himself, Bud spoke... " But, I will offer you my help."

Shane's smile dissolved, and his eyes widened. Bud continued... " I grew up on a farm, and I am no stranger to harvesting crops. I'm early on my trip to Paralem city, so there is plenty of time. If we work hard together, I don't see any reason why we can't make the Lord's quota... It's the least I could do for your kindness and friendship."

A look of astonishment and delight, swept over Shane's face. He quickly stood up with a charged energy. He began to move around manically. "Well Foggler or not...We have a Deal!" he exclaimed with giddy excitement. " It's late now, so we'll have to start early tomorrow. You should have everything you need for tonight, I'll come get you in the morning. Good night my new friend!" Shane hurried out of the shack.

"It's amazing what a little Hope will do for a person." Bud thought.

He smiled at the farmers sudden eruption of excitement. Then he felt there was something odd about his reaction.

Bud got up and looked out of the window above the cot. He could see Shane walking away with great vigor. It seamed like the old farmer was about to start running. The man's back appeared to straighten out. The hunch was gone.

He lied down on the cot and looked at the ceiling. How did he end up in a wheatfield, miles away from the stump he was sitting on? What just gave Shane ( A lame, old, Farmer who was working since dawn ) the energy to almost sprint across his fields in the dark...? The questions circled in Bud's head.

A feeling of trepidation overcame Bud. He looked down at the bag. It was now hanging off the edge of the cot. He remembered that the evil King wiped his son's blood with the it, just before he conjured the ring of fire.

He was shaking the bag when Shane shook his hand. Soon after, the farmers health seemed to return.

"OH! No...." Bud thought out loud.

He remembered that he had the bag in his hands just before he ended up in the wheat field. He also remembered what he said out of frustration, just before the stump disappeared underneath him.

"My Soul..." Bud leaped out of the cot. He picked up the old gray bag, and examined it. A debate raged in his mind. Test it, and see if it is magical, or don't. If his suspicion is right; what evil could befall him, if he did invoke it's power?... Maybe it was all in his head. There may just be a reasonable explanation for the unusual events.

Bud hung the bag on the edge of the cot, and lied back down. He didn't think he would be able to sleep. The medicine and wine had him snoring in minutes...


The next morning, Bud was startled awake. He felt as if someone was just shaking him. Nobody was there.

He looked around the shack, and saw that some things were left for him. There was a hot breakfast on the table, and folded new clothing on one of the stools. Then he looked at the edge of the cot. The once empty gray bag was now full of items.

Bud got up and went to investigate the bag's contents. It contained a skin full of water, extra cloths, food, a small bag of coins, and a folded note.

Bud unfolded the note and read:

My new and dear friend,

I believe it was by providence, why you ended up in my field.

Your offer to help with the harvest was incredibly kind... But no longer necessary. To explain... I am writing this letter with my new LEFT HAND!

Bud felt slightly nauseous. His worst fear was now realized. He sat down on a stool and continued to read:

My third theory was correct after all. I never thought I would meet an actual Foggler. I had prayed for help and you were the answer.  

I am sorry that I won't be there to see you off, and say a proper goodbye. But, I'll be very busy this morning, as you can assume.

The highway is around the hill and on the other side of my house. Once you reach the main road, turn right. That will take you west to Paralem city.

I will never forget the great favor you have given me. You will always be in my thoughts and warmest wishes... You know, the ones you make happen...

Forever your friend,

Shane - The 'Adlem ' farmer... 

  Bud sat there for a moment in astonishment. His first inclination was to grab the supplies, and leave the bag there. "My Soul..." he remembered. There was no option but to take it. He will have to find a way to rid himself of the cursed object, after he recovers his immortal soul from it.

Bud got dressed, gathered his things, and walked out of the shack. When he stepped out of the door, he almost fell over in amazement. The entire wheat crop was gone. A bare dirt field was all that was left.

Bud walked the narrow path towards the hill. As he circled around the hill, a large farm house came into view. He decided to go to the house, and see if Shane might be at home. He was just about to step on the front porch, when... "AAAH!" The piercing scream came from an upper window of the house. Bud froze in his steps.

"Evil Human! You're here to kill me like you killed my babies! I'm Ready! I'm ready to see my babies again!..."

Bud turned around quickly, and walked towards the highway. He completely forgot about Shane's distressed wife, and felt awful. The screams digressed to loud sobs as he walked away. "Where are you going? I want to see my babies! babies..."

Bud reached the highway, and headed west towards Paralem city.


It was early evening, when Bud decided to set up camp for the night. The events in the last three days had overwhelmed his mind. He needed to decompress and organize his rational thinking.

The weary traveler found a grassy clearing a few yards from the highway. It was surrounded of three sides by tall trees. It gave Bud a sense of security.

The ground was soft. Bud easily dug a fire pit with a flat stone. He was able to get camp set up and the fire roaring, just as it got dark.

Bud felt alone and out of place. Melony raised him in such paradise and seclusion, he never realized how nieve he truly was. His ignorance almost coast him his life... Twice. His soul was now owned by an object, capable of unimaginable destruction. The trouble didn't seem to have an end, and he was helpless to stop it.

Bud thought of his Mom, and felt some resentment. How could she of sent him out in such chaos, with no peroration?

The night was warm and the Moon was bright in the sky. Bud rested his head on a log and looked up at the stars. He wondered what happened to Shane. " He was more than just healed..." he thought. " What did the bag do to me?" He turned his gaze towards the old gray bag. It produced moving shadows from the shimmering light of the fire. " What do I do now..." he whispered to himself.

Bud spent the rest of the night trying to think of things, other than the bag.

The temptation to use it came and went like waves on the shore. Had he really cursed himself unknowingly? Would God allow such evil things to happen?

He then thought of the monastery in Paralem. Maybe he should become a Monk himself. He was not "religious"...but at this point, he would be willing to learn...


The Dawn's light shown through the tall trees, and appeared as ribbons on the grass. Bud woke up and smelled the smoke from the fire pit. He could hear the crackle of flames on the wood. A sudden realization occurred to him. The fire should be a quite ash by now...unless he added wood and stoked it in his sleep.

Bud's head was resting on a log, and his back was towards the fire. Alarmed; he attempted to roll over and look at the pit. Something blocked his turn. He was stunned. Another body was next to his. He could feel it's breathing movements, and determined that it may be sleeping.

Carefully, he scooted away from the unknown animal behind him. Once he felt he had enough distance, he quickly spun around.

The bottom of Bud's chin landed on the tip of a sword. His eyes met with another pair of 'Piercingly' blue eyes, looking right back at him. They were not the eyes of an animal. They belonged to a young lady, who now had his life in her hands. " Keep it down" she said sternly. " I'm still sleeping. Don't be rude..." The lady placed the sword down and closed her eyes.

Bud stood up and examined his new surprise guest. She was wrapped up in a large red cloke. Her complexion was similar to Bud's, and he experienced a brief moment of hope. It was soon dashed, when he saw a human earlobe protrude through her dark shoulder length hair. Her angelic face inspired a feeling that Bud had never felt before... Attraction.

The roaring fire suggested that the visitor had not been there long. Bud could not help looking at her. He decided that he had to do something. So... he started to make breakfast.

" Well now I'm awake..." said the stranger. She stretched out her arms, and let out a long yawn.

" I have breakfast...if you're hungry." Bud said to the sleepy stranger. The lady stared at him as though she was perplexed by his familiar persona.

"That is very kind. Thank you..." said the lady. She got up and sat down near the fire. Bud handed his guest a hot metal cup wrapped in a cloth, and a piece of bread.

The stranger smiled and took a small sip. " Where are you traveling to? " she asked. Bud grabbed himself a piece of bread and sat down across the fire from her. " I'm on my way to Paralem for study..." he replied... " I wasn't expecting company, or I would of cleaned up a bit..." he joked with inquiry.

" I apologize..." said the lady... " I recently became a refugee, and I was ill prepared for a journey. I happened to stumble across your camp last night, but I had no intention of robbing you. I just need a safe place to sleep." The lady took another sip and looked at Bud... " You seemed to have a kind face, so I took a risk. Your feeding me, makes me believe I was right... But I have been fooled before..."

Bud smiled. " Well I guess you're still taking a risk then..." he chuckled.

The lady shot him a smirk, then looked at the fire. "who is your Sovereign?" she asked.

" Sovereign..? " Bud tilted his head inquisitively.

" The Lord you live under... The ruler in whom your allegiance is owed..?" the lady replied, in an almost condescending tone.  

" I was raised in the far eastern Part of the continent. My people have no lord. Just a tight family structure. " replied Bud.

Elf's never suffered the pain of governance. In the past, outside rulers did well not to intrude on Elf land and culture. There seemed to be an understood fear of the Elf's 'pre-sieved' mystical powers. Bud never noticed anything supernatural about they way Elfs did things. They were just really good at the things they did.

"Your not an Elf..." said the lady in a curious tone.

" No I'm not...,but I was raised by them..." replied Bud. The Lady didn't inquire any further. Politeness compelled her not to ask anymore about what he was.

There was a moment of quite, and bud could feel the awkwardness. He decided to change the subject. " You said you were a refugee..?" he asked.

The lady's face softened. She took a big breath and answered... " My mother and I were forced servants of the cruel Lord Ellas. My father was in debt to him when I was very young. When he died, Ellas took our lands and us, as own personal property. It's how most of these feudal Lords operate..."

Before Bud could question further, The lady continued...

"Ellas had a rival. The Dragon King ruled some of the southern territories of Paralem. He started out as an ally to Lord Ellas, but was now wanting to expand his Kingdom, he sought to conquer Ellas's lands. The two rulers met in battle east of here, a few days ago.

We only found out yesterday, that both tyrants were killed in battle. It was said that the evil men were consumed by Hell fire... Which they deserved."

The lady paused and took a breath. Tears began to well up in her eyes. Bud could tell tat they were not tears of sadness, by her smile... She continued...

" Once the servants of Ellas's house heard the news. They had to act quickly, before they were either held captive or killed by another Lord. Some of the loyal guards were over powered and slain. The others, stripped off their uniforms and joined the frenzy of servants, looting the castle. I didn't want to be a part of the chaos. My freedom was all I wanted.

I only grabbed a few items and fled as fast as I could."

The smile dissolved from the lady's face. She stared at the fire and said...

" If only my mother was alive to see this day..."

She composed herself and looked at Bud...

" Like you, I'm on my way to Paralem city. The Monastery there is renowned for helping people in my situation." she said.

Bud could not stop looking at her face. She was the most beautiful person, he has ever met. He finished his breakfast and began to gather his thing...along with himself. He selected a few necessities from his supplies, and gave them to the lady.

" These should help you on your journey..." he said to her.

Bud finished securing his things, and began to walk towards the highway.

" Thank you for your hospitality." said the lady..." Maybe I can repay it when I see you in Paralem." She sat on the log, looking tired and lost.

Bud spun around at the entrance of the clearing, and looked at the lady. She looked back with unsure trepidation.

" Maybe you can pay me back right now..." said Bud.

The lady looked sharply at him, and he could see her hand grip the hilt of her sword.

Bud smiled and opened his arms. " I have no weapons. This trip is turning out to be more dangerous than I expected. A protector would be useful...if you're available..." he gestured to receive her name.

"Rose-lee..." said the lady. The smile returned to her (beautiful) face, and she sheathed her sword. As she collected her things and walked towards Bud, Rose-lee stated... " So for your friendship and kindness; you get my love and protection?.. It seems we have a deal...Mr..." she inquired.

"Bud!"...he said with a grin.

They walked towards the road together. Bud got a knot in his stomach. His attraction towards her was very intense, and he could not stay focused on his thoughts. Worry filled his heart, and he looked down at the old gray bag. They just made 'A Deal'... " Kindness and friendship for love and protection?...what evil can come from that?" he thought to himself.


After some time walking on the highway quietly, Rose-lee broke the silence. "you're to tall and dark to be an Elf, and you're not a Human...what are you?" she asked.

Bud turned his head towards her and got lost in her piercing blue eyes. He gathered himself and replied... " I was found by an Elf in the Forrest when I was an infant. I never met another one of my kind, or met anyone who knew of my kind."

He turned his focus back on the road, and asked... " So you're a human then?"

Rose-lee smiled and replied... " I'm close to human. My people are more resistant to wounds and illness, and we have a tendency to be em-paths. That is how I was sure you were safe, just by looking at you."

At that, Bud became nervous. His feelings of attraction towards her were strong. What if she can sense it?...

" Don't feel awkward Bud..." said Rose-lee... " I know that you are attracted to me. I have the same feelings towards you. We already offered each other love and friendship, but we are still strangers. Let's just get to know one another before we determine what these feelings mean..."

Bud smiled, and agreed. He was relieved, but a feeling of awkwardness lingered. After a few quiet moments, he spoke again. " I never met such a bold person before..."

Rose-lee's eyes widened, and she placed her hand on her chest as in offence. " Well!... It is no fault of mine, that you decided to fall in love with a beautiful em-path..." She giggled.

Bud laughed and became quiet again.

The rest of the day's walk was filled with laughter, and light hearted conversation. Bud found the humor and levity, a welcome escape from the dark circumstances of the dismal journey. Although he was not an em-path, Bud could sense that Rose-lee was enjoying it as much as he was.


The Travelers were now a day away from Paralem City. Rose-lee found them another clearing off the highway to set up camp. It was hidden behind two tall trees, and was more enclosed than the clearing from the night before. There was a twenty foot long path from the tall trees to the entrance of the clearing. This suggested that the spot was commonly used by travelers.

Rose-lee found a fire pit already dug and used before. She began to set up camp while Bud went to gather firewood. She set up a cooking structure over the pit, and built a make shift canopy using cloths and blankets from Buds supply.

Bud returned with dried wood and shrub. Rose-lee grabbed some twigs and shrub, and began to stack a burn pile. He crouched down next to her and started to ignite the pile with his flint and stone. Flames started to consume the pile. Bud leaned back and turned towards Rose-lee. His breath instantly left his body... She was kissing him...

Bud's breath returned but his mind was still missing. For a brief moment, he could understand life's plan for everything. The world with all it's chaos, made perfect sense to him. Instantly, the wisdom was gone, but the feeling remained.

Rose-lee released his lips and sat down under the canopy. Bud was frozen in place, and just watched her. She had a serious expression on her face as she looked at Bud.

" My entire life... I have only known selfish and weak men. They were like animals, who could not view past their own needs and ambitions.

Being a forced servant of Lord Ellas and his cronies, I was considered no more than a tool or a pice furniture to them. I could have fell prey to any of their whims and desires. My mother was cunning, and she always found ways to shield me from the wicked gazes of evil hearted men. After my mother passed away, my protection was gone. Lord Ellas soon discovered me, and found me desirable. He was about to rob me of the one thing my mother saved for me, then came the battle with the Dragon King. His death was a great blessing for me..."

Bud stood up and sat down next to her under the canopy. Rose-lee's expression changed. She looked at him as though she was pleading.

"My virtue is all I have Bud. My mother paid for it with her life. You are the first kind man I have ever met, and I'm not afraid to admit my vulnerability to you. I have only known you for a day, but you have given me more comfort than anyone I have ever met... That means a great deal to me..."

Bud may have been new to the outside world, but he understood what Rose-lee was saying to him. Her surprising kiss, did unlock personal desires and ambitions of his own, but he remembered what Melony had once told him about this subject...

" To love is to always give, and never take..." He said to her... " I will never take anything from you Rose-lee. Your gifts are yours, and yours to give. I will be more than happy to receive, when you are ready to give them with no fear or pressure..."  He then smiled and said... "Let's just get to know one another before we determine what our feelings mean..." He used her own words.

Rose-lee smiled and rested her head on Bud's chest. The two relaxed quietly by the fire. Neither one moved to cook a meal. They just sat there and eventually fell asleep.


Bud sat up quickly. He was wide awake. It was twilight, just before dawn. The fire was out with exception for a few glowing ashes. He looked over at Rose-lee. She was curled up in her red cloke sound asleep.

There was a sound of rumbling and squeaking metal echoing from the highway. Bud stood up, wrapped himself in his cloke, and walked towards the road. There was a misty fog hovering over the paved road. He could only see about thirty feet in either direction.

The noise came from the east and progressively got louder. Bud ducked behind one of the trees, and fixed his gaze in the direction of the sound.

After a moment of uneasy anticipation, he could see a dark shape appear through the fog.

Bud squinted his eyes to identify the ominous black shape. He could now see that it was a large wooden hey carriage. The wheels had metal spokes and struts, which explained the squeaking. He noticed that the carriage was moving on its own, as though it was rolling slowly down hill. The highway was flat and nothing was pulling or pushing it.

Bud became uneasy and looked all around. He felt like someone was watching him, but no one was there. His fear heightened when he heard the disembodied sound of labored breathing, and hoofs clopping on the road.  The carriage passed by the tree he was hiding behind. He then saw the mist move and shape itself around an invisible beast of burden. The moving moisture in the air allowed him to view the strange beast. The ghostly animal's reigns appeared as well. Bud followed the reigns, with his eyes, up to the drivers seat.

A cool chill shot down Bud's spine as his gaze met with a pair eyes looking right back at him. A transparent face and body of a hooded driver materialized around the eyes. The stoic expression on the Phantom's face never moved or changed. It just kept looking at Bud as it passed by. As the carriage began to enter westward into the heavy fog, the Phantom raised it's right arm and pointed at him. All of Bud's muscles were frozen. He could not even breath, as he watched the spectral event unfold in front of him. The carriage disappeared back into the fog.

Bud stayed frozen in place, staring in the westward direction of the highway. Suddenly, he felt a hand grab his right shoulder. He jumped up and spun around.

" HOLY-WHAT THE- SON OF A- YAAA!" he shouted...

"It's just a Highway Ghost..." said a calm voice from the shadows. It was Rose-lee. Bud's sight adjusted, and he could make out her silhouette in the dark. She noticed that he was in a state of shock. So she decided to explain, and calm him down...

" They are all over the Great Continent, and especially the highway. The specter and echo from the War over the Clouds. Years ago, they started to appear and scare the life out of people. The sightings eventually became so frequent and common, that everyone's fear diminished. The Ghosts became just an excepted part of the landscape. Some intellectuals have devoted their lives to the study of the phenomenon, but most people just ignore them now..."

Rose-lee extended her arm towards Bud. He took hold of her hand, and she guided ( the still shaken ) man back to the camp. They sat down under the canopy, and she rested her head on his shoulder. She continued...

"Don't be frightened Bud. The Ghost do their own thing, and never acknowledge the living. I believe that the world itself is an intelligent living being. The apparitions are more like it's repeating traumatic memories. After all; the War violated and took so much from it..."

Rose-lee sat up, stretched out her arms, and let out a big yawn. She placed her head on Bud's lap and fell back to sleep.

Bud could not go back to sleep. What Rose-lee said to him, offered no comfort. Not only was he sure that the Phantom was aware of him, but it did not seem to like him either. He tried to take his mind off it by looking around and thinking of other things. The uneasy feeling in his gut, was not eased by the image of the old gray bag in the dawn's light.

Bud looked down at Rose-lee's gorgeous face, resting on his lap. Besides everything he had went through on his trip, she made him feel like the most fortunate person on the planet. She was more beautiful than when he first saw her. His affection for her was genuine. A sense of regret and grief now overcame his thoughts.

He would never truly know if her affection towards him was real, or as a result of the bag's mystical power.

Bud was starting to resent the cursed object. Maybe he should just through the dammed thing in the fire, and be rid of it once and for all. How important was his Soul anyway?... 




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